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1. a football came crashing through a window, breaking it. Mukesh got up and looked out the window just in time to see three neighborhood kids who were brothers run around a corner. Their names were Mark Benson , Steve Benson , Starc Benson.The next day Mukesh got a note on his door that read ' ? broke your window' .

Which of the three Crimson Benson should Mukesh question about the incident ?

4.Find the 8 Statues

6. Find the Old monk

2. A man is murdered near the banks of the River, Cops find nothing but paralel line marks and footprints in the middle . Find the Murderer.

-Find the Murder weapon

-Find the Missing bag

3. (A diomand in the Dung) Follow the Dung to find the Missing bag/ weapon ?

5.I have plenty of backbone, I peel layers like onions, but still remain whole the snake.

Find Outlaw Gal #312

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